Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Prior to starting my article i would like to quote this message which had been delivered by Dr. James Heckman (Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and 2000 Nobel Prize recipient in Economics)
*  Learning starts in infancy, long before formal education begins, and continues throughout life. Early learning begets later learning and early success breeds later success, just as early failure breeds later failure.
*  Early childhood interventions of high quality have lasting effects on learning and motivation.
Early child development sets the base for ongoing learning, behavior, and health. The occurrences children obtain in early childhood days contour the brain and the child’s ability to learn, to connect with others, and to react to daily rigors and complications.It is a period of great opportunity, but also of great exposure to negative influences and constitutes a wonderful moment for capitalizing on developmental forces to defend against or reduce disabilities and potential secondary conditions.
The process that development obtains each one based absolutely on the quality of stimulation, encouragement and nurturance that the child exposures in his or her family, neighborhood, and care environments. When these are lacking,inadequate or unsupportive child development can be deeply and even irreversibly impacted. Level of quality education before the age of eight in children is crucial for delivering future positive aspects and sustenance. The moment children are going to engage in preschool classes or receive education before the age of eight, most of them usually tend to have success in acclimating and socializing with others.
Literacy Development Begins at Home

Probably the most excellent,most efficient methods to supporting young children develop literacy skills is having a home environment that encourages literacy. Research exposes that instructional environments provide an effective effect on children's growth in reading. While most of the research on instructional environments concentrates on classroom environments, experts consider that the similar impacts may be obtained in supportive home environments.
Experiencing a literate home develops in young children a love for reading and writing. A literate home circumstances doesn't teach children how to read; relatively, it gives children with more opportunities to have fun with reading and observe the plenty of different ways it can be employed to enhance the activities in their lives." Families don't need to expend a large sum of money in materials to have a literate home; they do, yet somehow, needs to contribute their time and participation.
The first very extensive period of a child's life are invested observing their surroundings and learning to adapt. Children's brains are repeatedly developing, and it is important that their knowledge has a constructive impact on their developmental process. How and what children comprehend at a young age may perhaps encourage them for the duration of their entire life.


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