Men of all ages are usually troubled by prostate, lung and colorectal cancers, but they should also be serious about melanoma. While it is by now the fifth most common cancer in men. Number of cases of melanoma is expanding more rapidly than some other cancer.
Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer. Anyone can have melanoma. If identified at the beginning and medicated, the heal rate is almost 100%.Anyone can get melanoma. The majority of people who get it have light skin, but those who have brown and black skin may also get melanoma.If you have had bad sunburns or spent time tanning (sun, tanning beds, or sun lamps), then there are a bigger possibility of experiencing melanoma.Melanoma is actually the most common cancer among people 25-29 years old. Also teenagers are getting melanoma.
What causes melanoma?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main factor generally. We get UV radiation from the sun, tanning beds. Heredity also plays a role. Medical studies shows that if a close blood relative (parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle) had melanoma, a person possesses an extremely more possibility of getting melanoma.
melanoma can get spread around to other areas of the body. Melanoma can get spread around rapidly. When melanoma widely spreads, it is always deadly.Dermatologists assume that the quantity of deaths from melanoma could be dramatically reduced provided people.
* Recognized the symptoms of melanoma.
* Learned how to examine their skin for signs of skin cancer.
*Took the time to examine their skin.